Hernia Repair
A hernia is a weak spot in your muscle or tissue that allows an internal organ or fatty tissue to protrude through, causing a lump or bulge. If a hernia grows larger and causes pain, surgery is normally recommended to set the protruding tissue back in place and close the opening.
Surgical Treatment
Hernia repair is one of the most common surgeries performed in the United States. Most hernia repairs are performed laparoscopically using a few small incisions in your abdomen. A tiny camera and small instruments placed through the incisions allow the surgeon to view and access the surgery site. The smaller incisions result in less pain, less scarring and a quicker recovery time.
The complexity of surgery needed depends on the severity and type of hernia. Your Premier Surgical physician will assess your condition and recommend the most appropriate surgical approach for your repair.
Hernia Surgery Packages
For patients who have a high deductible or no insurance, Premier Surgical offers cash-pay prices for basic hernia procedures performed at our outpatient Premier Surgery Center.
May be asymptomatic but presents as a bulge enlarges with abdominal pressure or standing. The protruding hernia may be pushed in manually. This is an outpatient procedure, performed laparoscopically using a few small incisions and mesh to repair the affected area.
*The package price applies only to self-pay, simple hernia procedures performed at the Premier Surgery Center. Pricing is not final until after the pre-surgery consultation with your surgeon.
Hernia Package Prices:
- Open Inguinal Hernia Repair: starting at $3,781
- Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair: starting at $4,619
- Open Umbilical (Ventral) Hernia Repair: starting at $3,368
- Laparoscopic Umbilical (Ventral) Hernia Repair: starting at $5,430
Please note: The price does not include a $260 pre-surgery consultation fee. The surgeon must confirm that you are an appropriate candidate for outpatient surgery. If you have bi-lateral or multiple procedures during the same surgery, the total price could be higher.
To learn more about the Surgeons who perform Hernia Repair at Premier Surgery Center, click SURGEONS. To schedule a surgery consultation, click REQUEST APPOINTMENT.
Patient may experience burning, tenderness and pressure in the hernia area. A bulge is often visible in the abdominal area. The type of surgery recommended will depend on the size and severity of the hernia.
*Package pricing applies only to self-pay, simple hernia procedures performed at the Premier Surgical Office Based Surgery Center.
Package Price: $3,500 – $5,500
Step 2: Select Surgeon
A complex hernia is a large, painful hernia that interferes with patient’s quality of life. It may have occurred due to multiple failed repairs or catastrophic injury or infection.
Complex hernia repair is an advanced procedure that often involves abdominal wall reconstruction. Extensive planning and in-patient hospitalization are always required for complex hernia repair. The total cost of the surgery will depend on the severity of the hernia and extent of the repair needed.
Please note: Packaging pricing does not apply to hospital-based surgeries.